April 27th, 2015 by admin
MATC’s The Phoenix Literary and Arts Magazine: TYCA-Midwest Conference Presentation on 10/9/15.
Milwaukee Area Technical College Instructor and magazine Faculty Adviser Jason Kolodzyk, along with Instructor and magazine Faculty Reader Jonathan Cardew, gave a presentation concerning MATC’s The Phoenix Literary and Arts Magazine: TYCA-Midwest Conference Presentation on 10/9/15. Â The presentation focused on on the following aspects:
A brief history of MATC and its community
An overview of The Phoenix Literary and Arts magazine and its changing role and vision at the college
The students, staff, and institution benefits of embracing a literature and arts magazine at two-year colleges
The barriers to successfully maintaining a magazine with limited resources in institutions
How to work with and embrace a diverse student population, including working adults
Innovative tactics on how to push boundaries and form partnerships inside and outside of the institution
Looking toward the future: Finding new ways to maintain what has been built, including questions and ideas from conference audience members
Goal of the Presenters:
Our hope is to find new ways to support such magazines within MATC and also to connect with other educators with similar dreams of creating or revitalizing their own institutional literary and arts magazine.
Fahrenheit 451 is not an option; sustained rebirth is– especially with the continued communication and support of those whom see value in the Voice of our society.
2013-14 Phoenix now available!
Staunch MATC Phoenix supporter Jonathan Cardew was recently featured in the Atticus Review!
Not only is Jonathan a MATC English Instructor, he has given his personal time and effort to drive the MATC Phoenix forward and currently acts as a voluntary faculty reader for the magazine.
He even plugs our very own MATC Phoenix in the interview!
Follow this link for insight into Jonathan Cardew’s writing thought process and for a sample from his creative works.
.Thank you, Jonathan, and congrats!
Open Mic eventÂ
WHEN: Thursday, April 30th from 12:30-2:30 pm
WHO: ALL students, faculty, and staff are invited to participate!
The general public is welcome to be part of the audience.
WHAT: Sharing creativity through poems, essays, fiction, nonfiction, art, photography, and music.
WHERE: Stormer Auditorium (T Building) at the Milwaukee Campus
FREE STUFF: Free issue of MATC’s Phoenix Now: Flash Fiction  magazine with attendance and newsletter sign up!
QUESTIONS?: Jason Kolodzyk, Faculty Adviser for MATC’s The Phoenix: kolodzyj@matc.edu
MATC is an Affirmative Action/Equal Opportunity Institution and complies with all requirements of the Americans With Disabilities Act
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