When, you see the world and know your part in it
When, you find that you are not the same as others
When, you find pleasure constricts your efforts
When, you know this could be changed at a severe cost
When, you know payment, undermines the principal
What do you do?
When, you have a gift that defines you
When, you have a passion that consumes you
When, you have a knowledge that plagues you
When, it calls in every breath and thought
When, it shows you its potential to life
What do you do?
When, you care enough to be someone’s idea
When, you feel that idea isn’t who you should be
When, you’re scared that it will devalue meaning
When, you see and understand the truth
When, you wish that you could do both
What do you do?
When, you know one is unquantifiable, and the other unattainable
When, one is important, and the other is priceless
When, you believe one is life, and the other makes it worth living
When, one is a prayer and the other a hope
When, both subjugate you to separate paths
What do you do?
When, you see other’s intimacy and know it’s not you
When, you see one in each compromising act
When, you’re not the one you see as the other
When, you want to be and know that you can’t
When, it makes you hurt
What do you do?
When, you know your actions have purpose
When, you hold to it because you must
When, you are its pioneering force
When, you hold parts of the balance
When, it is affected by your actions
What do you do?
When, you can’t determine which has greater value
When, you feel the pain caused by both
When, both take you to a place of bliss
When, others can travel on either side of the path
When, you have to walk the line
What do you do?
When, both want all of you
When, both want more than you are
When, both know you are more than what’s perceived
When, both are uncomfortable with contentment
When, both will always want more than you can give
What do you do?
When, you cross the point of no return
When, you believe in the future of the human race
When, the human race doesn’t believe in its future
When, you care enough to live by what you reason
When, that reason leads you not to care
What do you do?
When, you know the answer
When, you want to change the answer
When, you carry the stain of the past
When, you are wired to love the unlovable
When, you want to give in, but despise the urge
What do you do?
When, one is unfeeling, and the other is uncaring
When, one is set to consume, and the other to absorb
When, one saves, and the other liberates
When, one hates, and the other is ambivalent
When, one is selfish, and the other is tyrannical
What do you do?
When, you can be something wonderful
When, you could have something wonderful
When, it feels right, but appears wrong
When, it appears right, but feels wrong
When, everyday confusion and insight, grow
What do you do?
To live the life you want
To define your path to happiness
To be the person you idealize
To make the choices, leading to satisfaction
To create at your highest potential
What do you do?
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