
SOMOS LOS MIGRANTES, by Hamsel J. Lopez Franco

Somos quienes vuelan hacia sueños.

Somos los que saltan muros, cual dedo que salta en las teclas de un piano.

Somos quienes cruzan mares con anhelos de alargar la vida o hallar muerte digna.

Somos quienes huyen de las balas y del hambre.

Somos los que se desprenden de hermanos, abuelos, amigos.

Somos los idiomas que hablamos y el silencio que todos callamos.

Somos nómadas que obligan a sus hijos a ser viajeros.

Somos extras en una película de terror en la que rara vez sobrevivimos las peligrosas hazañas.

Somos el alimento que el paladar mundial disfruta.

Somos los que comen en el suelo, los que comen con palillos, los que comen con las manos, con cuchillos y tenedores.

Somos la música del laúd, del acordeón, del sitar, del charango, de la marimba, del bombo.

Somos pies descalzos, somos manos sucias, somos peculiares vestiduras.

Somos barbas abundantes, somos ojos rasgados, somos sonrisas blancas, somos manos coloridas.

Somos humildad, somos temor, somos amor, somos animosidad, somos perdón, somos olvido, somos cautela, somos duda, somos confianza, somos lealtad, somos melancolía, somos desprecio, somos alegría.

Somos del mundo, somos de lugares, somos de donde nacimos y somos de donde vivimos.

Somos la familia del mundo, aunque el mundo no nos vea como su familia.










We are the ones who fly towards dreams.

We are the ones who jump walls, as a finger jumping between piano keys.

We are the ones who cross seas hoping to extend our lives or find a dignified death.

We are the ones who run from bullets and hunger.

We are the ones who break away from brothers, grandparents, friends.

We are the languages we speak and the silent silence.

We are nomads who force their children to be travelers.

We are extras in a horror movie in which we rarely survive such dangerous exploits.

We are the food the global palate enjoys.

We are the ones who eat in the ground, the ones who eat with chopsticks, the ones who eat with their bare hands, with knives and forks.

We are the music of the lute, accordion, sitar, charango, marimba, bass drum.

We are bare feet, we are dirty hands, we are peculiar clothing.

We are long beards, we are slanted eyes, we are white smiles, we are colourful hands.

We are humble, we are fear, we are love, we are animosity, we are forgiveness, we are oblivion, we are carefulness, we are doubt, we are trust, we are loyalty, we are melancholy, we are contempt, we are joy.

We are from the world, we are from places, we are from where we were born and from where we live.

We are the world’s family, although the world doesn’t see us as such.




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